"Fools quote others, genius' quote themselves" - Phill

Friday, September 3, 2010

First Post

Llife with two L's is a little about me, more about everything else, and ultimately about my life as Phillip, with two l's, including my experiences, past present, and soon to be future. How hard can that be I wonder? To summarise and surmise eighteen years of life, and then to add to that however much longer one person may live.. I'm told that could be a while, so it's a good thing I'm not afraid of commitments!

Firstly, allow me to introduce myself; Phillip Chalmers Muir, eighteen years old currently, born 16/12/1991. A funny thing happened that day, one too many children were born... At least, one too many came alive. Being a still born for hald-an-hour, I was born dead, yet they still record my life started at 1808, considering I didn't breathe until 1838, I would consider that as another person being born. Who ever it was, didn't want to be, so I started breathing in their stead. Don't worry, my story from there only gets darker, so I'm sure you will enjoy more of that in the later posts. Never fear..

Now, homeschooling, as can be expected, is somewhat interesting. It puts one a head of the rest, in more than one way. Yet holds one back on so many more levels. By four I was reading Shakespear, the first book I read, and enjoyed was Hamlet. To this day I still enjoy reading Hamlet. Though, now my favourite book to read is, oddly enough, the MacQuarrie Dictionary, because no matter how many times over I read it, I still manage to learn something new from it, each and every time. Not unlike life really...

You will have to forgive me if these posts seem somewhat different from your usual reading when sifting through these 'blogs'. You see, until quite recently, I didn't know what the internet was, come to think of it, until recently, I had to ask what T.V. was... Being short for Television, I still wasn't quite sure until I heard the words; "You know, that big black box, with the moving, talking pictures on it? With the smaller black box, with the buttons on it to make the pictures louder or quieter, or change completely???" And instantly, I found in my head a picture of the insides of this machine with my father screaming at me, "What are you doing with the television?" My reply naturally was, "What's a television?" All my father could do was stand there dumbfounded and questioned his own teachings... Afterwards came a four hour lesson on television, what it was (SO not interested..) and how it worked! (THAT's better...) What I was doing with it was of course pulling it apart, as per my nature I had to work out what this massive this in my living room was... Whether or not it was alive, if it bled, or if it was in fact a machine! You should be interested in my theories of man kind and machines! If you've read this far down, I have no dooubt I have at least one devoted reader!!!!

Well, that'll do for now! Oh, please also ignore all spelling or grammar, or small mistakes, without glasses, this is something of a chore! They should be coming in three to four weeks! I'm told that's a little longer than usual... I'm also told that this is because I need specialist glasses. so this is what I am telling you! haha!!!! Hmm... Yes well, more about me later! Now, lets see what the hype is about Google? Any ideas??? I'm intrigued!

1 comment:

  1. Have a look at youtube :) its like google but its videos of everything and anything!!
